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Speech by Charlie

This was my second daughters wedding and this site helped me with the first speech, so I submitted that speech. The second speech was no easier to deliver but again this site helped. I found that by dividing a word document into 2 columns it allowed me to fold my speech in half and it was better than standing with a full A4 sheet of paper. If you know what you want to say, you will be able to fill in the gaps if you lose your place.  The audience are on your side. Deep breath and speak clearly and even if you do not feel it, confidently. Hope this one helps!

Speech Type: Father of the bride/groom
Speech Creator: Charlie
Speech Date: 03/10/2017 19:20:36

Hello Ladies and Gentlemen, can I have a moment of your time as I have a very pleasant and important duty to perform.

For those of you who do not know me, I am Gillian's dad, Charlie.

As the father of the bride it's my privilege to give the first speech AND as I get to go first you will have nothing to compare it too, so look on me at the warm up act for Kenny and David.

I would like to start by welcoming you all and to thank you for taking the time to come here to celebrate this very special, happy occasion that is the marriage of my daughter Gillian to Kenny. 

I'd also like to thank those who have helped and given their support on the lead up to their wedding, in whatever capacity, as you've all played a part to make today that bit special for them and us.

This is an important day for my wife Lesley and I; A special day, when we officially welcome Kenny into our family.

Our welcome to him is not forced or a hardship but something that we are happy to do, as we have known Kenny for so long now that it would have been sad had he not become part of our family one day. So today, both Lesley and I are delighted Gillian made it official and he is now one of us.

A wedding, as you know, is a celebration of two people making a commitment to each other, surrounded by their family and friends. It's also a time you wished all those you ever loved could have witnessed this very happy occasion.

So on a slightly sadder note but with happy memories, it's worth remembering our family and friends who are no longer with us and could not be here to celebrate the wedding of Gillian and Kenny.

I know Gillian's granny & granddad Margaret & Tommy and Kenny's Aunty Eadie would have loved to have been here and also June, Tommy & Margaret's eldest daughter.

They are in our thoughts and we wish they could have been here today. So, before I get to the main toast, can I ask that you please stand and drink a toast to absent friends and family.

Ladies and gentlemen my toast is 
“To absent friends and family!”

Time flies by so quickly, it doesn't seem that long ago since Gillian was born, and here I am today speaking or trying to toast her wedding.

Gillian is a wonderful daughter and a close friend to her sister Laura. They both look out for each other and I see no reason that this will ever change.

Gillian is a very caring person and has a lovely warm nature, that has given her mother Lesley and I so much joy and happiness over the years, even in spite of her expensive tastes as she was growing up! 

I could tell you a thing or two and who knows, later on, when I've had a few drinks I just might but I can give you an example, like when she used to ask me to upgrade her mobile phone, on what seemed like a weekly basis and so much so that I was sure I was getting a bigger discount from the manufacturers than Car Phone Warehouse gets.

Gillian is a considerate, caring young woman, who I'm proud to have as my daughter and I'm sure Kenny will today be proud to now call her his wife.

Every father knows that one day his daughter will fly the nest, find a partner and get married.

Every father and mother wishes their daughter the best of luck for the future and worries about her finding the right man, one who will make her happy, cherish, and look after her forever.

During the time we have known Kenny, we have come to realise how special he is to Gillian, and how much of a kind, caring, pleasant and genuinely nice man he is and what a great son in law he will be, “IF” he finishes my tiling. Almost a Yellow card Kenny!

Both Lesley and I truly believe Gillian could not have met a nicer man.

To Junee, your son Kenny is an absolute credit to you and you should be very proud as to the type of person he has become.

I think all who know Gillian and Kenny, be it friends or family, can see it's obvious this couple are both so very happy together and also a perfect match for each other.

I cannot stress enough, how I am the proudest man in the world today, seeing my daughter looking so happy and radiant is truly heart-warming.

Gillian, you are a very pretty woman and looked stunning in your wedding dress and as you know, your dad tends to state the obvious!

Today, you really looked beautiful when I saw you in your wedding dress. You looked like a Princess who has now found her Prince Charming! I'm not saying Kenny looked like a Frog before you kissed him.

Oh no, I see Kenny is starting to go into a bit of a sulk…OK Kenny, you look REALLY handsome and very smart too! Almost but not quite as good looking as Gillian.

To you both, I know you will have a great life together and continue to be happy. You are amongst people today who care and love you so very much and wish you all the happiness in the world, now and in the future. 
If you both remember what attracted you to each other in the beginning and are always open with each other, you will be happy for the rest of your lives with each other, regardless of what life throws at you.

Lesley and I will always be there for you if you ever need anything. But I need to clarify something, that by anything, I mean if you both want to talk and not borrow money kind of anything, because that would be something different and nigh on impossible! It's good to talk but I can only lend you an ear!

And can I just remind you both, that you signed a contract!  For richer, for poorer etc, remember?  
I have witnesses and it's on tape!

That in legal terms is called good admissible evidence.

Finally, I would like to propose a toast to the happy couple, and know that everyone here will want to join me in wishing this pair a very long, happy, and healthy future together.

So, with those few words Ladies and Gentlemen I'd like to ask you to please stand and raise a glass and join me in a toast to our two VIP's, my daughter Gillian and my son in law Kenny who happen to be the Bride & Groom. 

My toast is “To the Bride and Groom”