Speech by Chris
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"It went down very well and I got quite a few compliments for it. I think that delivery is at least as important as content and it definitely helps if you have good comic timing. I found that practicing out loud really helped and I did this a lot in the days leading up to the wedding."
Speech Creator: Chris
Speech Date: April 2019
“Good afternoon Ladies and Gentlemen!
It’s my great pleasure and privilege to welcome you all here today, at this amazing venue, on such a glorious day, to celebrate the marriage of Steven and my beautiful daughter Scarlett.
We are very grateful for all of you coming here today to be part of this very special occasion, and especially to those that have travelled great distances to be here, quite literally from all corners of the world. So we should think of it not just as a great occasion for us but also for the worlds major airlines, whose profits, I’m sure have taken a big boost.
So, Scarlett is obviously my only daughter and this is the only chance I’ll have to make a Father of the Bride speech. So naturally over the years I’ve spent quite a lot of time thinking about exactly what I wanted to say when this moment arrived. But then last night I was chatting to Scarlett and she said “Dad, you can say whatever you like about me in your speech, just don’t embarrass me”. So I had to rip the whole thing up and start again. I’ve printed this off the internet this morning so I hope it works out OK.
But Scarlett you are looking truly stunning today, I’m certain we’d all agree. But beauty is only one of Scarlett’s many attributes, she is also fiercely loyal, totally dependable, fun loving and friendly. All of which, I’m absolutely certain, will make her a perfect partner. Steven I think you are very lucky man.
I was also going to say that Scarlett is quite “low maintenance”, another great attribute, she is easily pleased and doesn’t hanker after the most expensive things in life. But that was obviously before the wedding preparations started. So I’m now probably going to have to rethink that one.
She is a perfect young lady who I am very proud to have as my daughter and I’m sure Steven will also be equally proud to call his wife. At this point, I think it’s also traditional to extol the virtues and intelligence of the groom and I have copious notes. But I’m sorry Steven I just cant read your writing.
I’ll never forget the day 18 months or so ago when I got a message from Steven saying he needed to speak to me. We were about to go on a ski holiday together so I assumed he wanted advice on what type of ski boots to hire, or something like that. But instead I was completely stunned when he asked for my permission to marry Scarlett. Who said that the age of chivalry is dead?
I did ask him what his Plan B was in case I said no and he didn’t have one! So that was a bit disappointing, he’s normally much better prepared than that.
But seriously, I’ve known Steven for a number of years now we’ve spent quite a number of holidays together and I’ve come to know him well.. He’s a great credit to his parents and family and I genuinely can’t think of a better person to have as a son in law.
So, both Steven and Mike are looking a little bit nervous now….. don’t worry I’m not going to reveal any details of the unfortunate sparkling water incident. Or maybe he’s feeling nervous because he knows he has his speech to make …. But I think the real reason is, with some of the guests, we’ve got here, he’s concerned about the size of the bar bill. If Thursday night is anything to go by then a free bar is a very courageous thing to provide. So let’s hear it for Steve and Mike!
Anyway, I’m just the warm up act and we have a long line up of prestigious speakers to come so I’ll finish off with a piece of wisdom.
A great philosopher once said…. A man who gives in when he is wrong is a very wise man but a man who gives in when he’s right is “married”. Never a truer word spoken in jest.
So ladies and gentlemen, It is my very great pleasure to propose the first toast to the happy couple. Scarlett and Steven, here’s to a long and wonderful life together. To Scarlett and Steven.”