Hitched Rewards
A chance to win £3,000?
Yes please!
You could win £3,000 just by planning your wedding on Hitched. Enquire with vendors, tell us who you’ve booked, leave reviews and upload your wedding photos. It’s that easy!
How to win
Every action you take, unlocks entries. Gather as many entries as possible to win!
Explore our trusted vendors and get to know them.
Make today count: mark your vendors as booked.
Rate your vendors and help other couples find theirs.
Tell us your wedding story and share your photos.
Over 1,332 nearlyweds are participating!
Clock's ticking! Use Hitched to plan your unique wedding. Every vendor you contact, book or review will get you closer to winning £3,000! Freshly married? You've got great chances of winning too!
Contest winners
Give your love story an exciting twist
We're thrilled to give you a chance to win £3,000 to help bring your wedding vision to life.
Frequently asked questions
Email us and we'll type back ASAP!
Call us to hear a friendly voice :)
Why should I use Hitched Rewards?
Hitched Rewards is a free and easy way to get rewarded for planning your wedding with us! Earn entries by contacting, hiring or reviewing vendors. Every entry is a chance to win £3,000 cash towards your wedding!
Who can participate in the Hitched Rewards?
Hitched Rewards are only available to registered Hitched users who are either engaged to be married or have married within the past year. You must be a UK resident over the age of 18 to enter.
How do I know how many entries I've earned?
Keep track of your Hitched Rewards entries on the 'Rewards' page in your Hitched account. You'll see how many entries you have per action and per rewards edition. You can also see how many entries other participants have on the Hitched Rewards forum page.
How are winners selected?
Winners are randomly selected for each Hitched Rewards edition. Winner selection occurs in the first week following the end of each edition. The winner will be notified via email and announced on the Hitched Rewards winners page.