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Speech by Henry C

Speech Type: Father of the bride/groom
Speech Creator: Henry C
Speech Date: 03/07/2018 14:50:45

Thank everyone who helped to set up this wedding banquet.

Especially thank you to Mr. and Mrs. Wu. You have done a tremendous amount of work to make this evening possible. Please give them a round of applause.

Ah! Look at Matthew's beard. Nobody can compare to. Let alone Prince Harry's goatee. Ah!  Look at Emily's wedding gown. Isn't that gorgeous? It surpasses Meghan Markle's wedding gown. Look, a nice couple. This is our royal wedding.

First, I'd like to introduce myself. For those who don't know me. I am Henry Chang. Father of the groom. 

I want to say something about Emily and Matthew.

Summer of 2014, Matthew moved down to Southern California and met Emily magically. A few months later Matthew called us. He said he wants to invite his girlfriend Emily to meet us at home.

Matthew drove home with Emily and it was that evening they rang the doorbell. Janet, my wife, answered the door. Janet said to Matthew you look exhausted. Emily replied Matthew drove all the way from Los Angeles to San Francisco. Her sweet voice is laced with care and appreciation. This was our first impression of Emily.

The second day they visited Michael in Berkeley. Emily wanted to know who is taller among the brothers. Emily flew home the day after and Matthew stayed home for few more days because of company business.

Matthew revealed his secrets, the priorities of his life. The act he had never done before. First is to cultivate his relationship with Emily. Secondly is follow finance to keep his cushy job as long as he can in pursuit of Emily and a MBA. The least, as everyone can guess, homework and study. Matthew had achieved three things at once.

The next four years, Emily and Matthew visited us a few times a year. Everyone knows where his own seat is around the dining table. We went hiking a few places around Bay Area. We had chances to crack a few jokes. We were joking about hiring a robot to officiate this wedding banquet. So I am here.

 By the way, Matthew is a frequent guest of Wu family. A wise man says a son-in-law is a son, a daughter-in-law is a daughter.

Now I want to thank Mr. and Mrs. Wu. You put the ultimate effort to up bring your two nice daughters, Emily and Erica. Unarguably, Emily is one of the best daughter–in-laws whom people can ever long for. We welcome Emily to our family. We guarantee she is in Matthew's good hands. Janet and I are very happy to see Emily and Matthew having fun together and smiling all the time. We were patiently and happily waiting for this moment to come.

Now it's my honour to propose a toast to the happy couple. Please pour some wine in your glass. May I ask you to upstand and raise your glasses to the bride and groom.  May Emily and Matthew live happily forever! Cheers.