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Influencer Sophie Lait Opens Up About Body Insecurities Ahead of Her Wedding

Even the most confident, inspirational influencers feel the pressure to be perfect when planning a wedding. Here's Sophie Lait's story...

Body positive influencer Sophie Lait sat on a sofa looking outwards to the window in nude coloured bra

Being a body positive influencer on social media, you’d assume Sophie Lait was bursting with confidence. How could someone so gorgeous and open, who is such an advocate for self-love, suffer from the same body insecurities that other nearlyweds do?

The truth is, we’re all human, we all feel wedding stress and personal insecurities - which is why we’re delighted to share Sophie’s journey to tackling body insecurities as a bride-to-be. For whoever needs to hear it, you don't need to lose weight for your wedding, nor should planning a wedding trigger negative body experiences for anyone!

Here, Sophie writes a letter to her insecure self, highlighting the very real body anxieties she and many other people face in the lead up to the wedding, the pressure to be perfect, and how to combat all of it and embrace YOU! Here are her words: 

Dear Insecure Me: How to Confront Insecurities Before Your Wedding

Body positive influencer Sophie Lait sat on a sofa looking outwards to the window in nude coloured underwear

Dear insecure me…and every other bride or groom out there trying to fight the temptation of comparison.

Comparison is the thief of joy, don’t we all know it! But that doesn’t stop us from doing it. What is it about getting engaged that makes us instantly compare ourselves to every other wedding couple out there? Whether it's Instagram, TikTok, celebrity wedding dresses or just another person who managed to look 'perfect' on their wedding day - comparison opportunities are literally everywhere.

I know that the thought of being in a dress in front of hundreds of people is going to be so unbelievably nerve-wracking for you but, I promise, you are going to look so beautiful. And I also promise you that how you look on your wedding day will be the last thing on your mind when you're in the moment. You'll be having too much fun to even care!

Over the years, you have done so much to conquer those pressing insecurities that have always been there. You have learnt to accept your insecurities for what they are - thoughts. After working so hard to develop such a healthy, neutral approach to your body, an approach with favours self-love over self-loathing - are you really prepared to throw all of that away just because you’re getting married? 

Please don't take on any extra, completely unnecessary insecurities, especially during what should be such a happy time. Marriage is a representation of love, commitment, trust and connection - all of which have absolutely nothing to do with what you look like. 

Think about it, it's not about whether your dress looks better than someone else’s on Instagram. Nor is it about making sure your wedding looks more fun, expensive and elaborate than any wedding anyone’s ever been to. Soph, listen, I just want you to enjoy it and be present.

Yes, over the last two years your body has changed - but you have not failed because you have put on weight! Changes in your body do not mean that you are unworthy of becoming a wife. They do not mean you are unworthy of giving and receiving love. And they certainly do not mean you are undeserving of a happy ending. Your partner doesn't think that, so why do you?

Sophie Lait posing twice two years apart showing the difference in her body and why she is still herself despite any changes

So what if your arms jiggle when wearing your wedding dress? So what if you ugly cry when you’re listening to the wedding speeches? So what if this whole process is completely un-aesthetic and the opposite of what Instagram says it should be?! So what Sophie? So what! None of those things matter, so focus on the things that do.

Remember that you’re going to be marrying your best friend who loves every single inch of you - what could be more exciting than that? When you think about it, it's funny and completely bonkers that we think to ourselves, “Oh my goodness do you think they’re going to see my belly in this dress?!” Guess what, yes, they are.

Yes, you have a belly, so yes he's going to see it - just like he’s seen it every day for the last five years of your relationship. He’s been with you for years, he’s seen your body change, he knows you have a belly, it’s not going to come as a complete shock on the day, right? He loves you, for you.

Looking at it in the simplest of terms, you and so many people out there are wasting precious time going over and over and over the same insecurities, rather than all of the incredible things that are happening in your life. Your wonderful best friend has put a ring on it and wants to commit to you for the rest of their life - yet you’re still worried if a belly roll or two will put him off?

Soph, you’ve got to get real here babe. 

I know this is totally easier said than done, insecurities can truly feel like the most daunting, crippling and most intrusive thing in the world - but I need to remind you here that in order to live a happy and fulfilled life (which you totally deserve, by the way!) - you need to learn to live alongside your insecurities and not allow them to be heightened just because you’re getting married.

I say this because I care about you. I don’t want you to look back on wedding planning and realise the majority of it was spent worrying about things that really don’t matter. When the day comes, you will feel more beautiful than you have ever felt. You will feel happier than you could ever imagine. You will be at the beginning of your forever. How you look will be the last thing on your mind.

Promise yourself that you will keep showing up for yourself every single day until the wedding, and every single day after. You are so worthy of self-acceptance, self-appreciation and self-love. You have got this! Your insecurities will only define your happiness if you let them.

And always remember, the wedding will be great - but it’s a marriage you’re after. This amazing human has decided that you are the person who they want to spend forever with. Your insecurities clearly don’t bother them, so you cannot let them define or control you!

Sophie x


Loved hearing what Sophie had to say? Us too! While you begin your journey back to self-love during wedding planning, why not book a romantic couples spa break for you and your partner to spend some real quality time together before the big day.