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Speech by Bob Sallis

Speech Type: Father of the bride/groom
Speech Creator: Bob Sallis
Speech Date: 28/07/2010 21:34:51

My Father of the Bride Speech for May 29th 2010

Good afternoon Ladies and Gentlemen—– for those of you who don't know me– I'm Bob—and I'm Leanne's Dad— So on behalf of my wife, Pam, Mark's parents Bryan and Wendy, and the happy couple Leanne & Mark, can I say what a pleasure it is to welcome the friends and relatives of both families to share this very special day.

Traditionally I'm required to give a speech and say something about Leanne and Mark, now anyone that knows me will know that I am a man of few words, but I have had some advice and been told that my speech should be like a women's dress—– it should be long enough to cover the subject, but short enough to be interesting —-so it's going to be very short!!!!

Leanne entered into the big wide world at 20 minutes past midnight on the 2nd July 1980 and I was lucky enough to be present at her birth. . Now it was a bit of a shock seeing Leanne  being delivered  for she had a mass of black spiky hair—- rather like a punk rocker —- and I remember saying  to Pam—- she's got black hair!!! — To which Pam relied ——– “well she's yours”!!! ——— Yes she is mine and I'm very proud of her—– what father wouldn't be, she's grown up and become a very beautiful young lady and I sure you will all agree she looks absolutely  stunning today!!

When Leanne was a toddler there were two things that followed her around —-one was her comforter—- blanky or sniffy as she used to called it and the other was Mrs floppsy whoppsy her rabbit – now sniffy has long gone ?—– well we think it has?  But we still have Mrs floppys whoppsy and I've brought her along today because I think it's only right that she should be here to share in Leanne's big day.

Now Leanne and her older sister Lyndsey would happily play together all day long, I remember one day coming home from work to find my garden shed had been cleared out and turned into a play house and they were inside playing with their tea sets. I asked Leanne what she was doing— her reply was ——- I'm doing the washing up because I haven't got a husband yet!!! ——-So now we know why Leanne has married Mark today.

Now every father hopes that one day his daughter will find the right man—–one that will make her happy beyond belief—–and when that time comes, all a father can do is sit back observe and hope for the best for her.

Then one day Leanne announced that she'd meet someone and would like to bring him home to meet us, we knew that he must be someone special as we'd seen a change in her.  She'd become happier and more confident in herself and we realized just how special Mark was to her and we hoped for her sake that it wouldn't end and leave her upset and heartbroken.                                                                                  


Mark is very likable—- easy going—- and a very hard working young Man and he has proved to us how committed he is.  I'm also very proud of what they have achieved together in buying their own house. Tthrough a lot of hard work and determination and with help from family and friends they now have a beautiful home, one that they can build onto—– and perhaps one day have a garage built and then I can have mine back!


Can I give Mark any advice!—– Yes! —-  always remember to give Leanne cards on her birthday, anniversary, Christmas and especially on Valentine's Day!!!!—— and also to warn you that Leanne was and still is a very determined young lady and is used to getting her own way. And so now at this point I would like to formally welcome Mark into the our family, even though he has been part of it for a while now, and would also like to wish them many, many years of happiness together.

The Toast

Ladies and Gentlemen thank you all once again for joining us in our celebrations you have all helped to make it such a special day, please join me as I wish the bride and groom all the happiness in the world.

The Bride and Groom.