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Speech by Robert Peacock

recently gave this speech with a little help from your site. I'd just like to say, it's a great site, very helpful, and I thought I'd offer up my speech if you want it, as way of a thank you.

Speech Type: Best man
Speech Creator: Robert Peacock
Speech Date: oct 2003
Good afternoon ladies and gentlemen

As Henry the VIII said to each of his wives in turn, I won't keep you very long…

My name's Robert Peacock and I have the honour of being the Best Man for David today.

I must say that when David asked me to be his best man, I was honoured, yet slightly worried. I've been living with my fiancee Jessica for over 2 years now and giving this speech is actually the first chance I've had to hear the sound of my own voice.

I hope and think that I have succeeded in my duties of, amongst other things, getting Dave a restful nights sleep, getting him to the church on time and making sure he is presentable for the occasion.… Well, 2 out of 3 ain't bad!!!

Right, First off, on behalf of the bridesmaids I'd like to thank Dave for his kind words and I'm sure you'll agree that, Jessica and Mandy and Mia have performed their duties very well whilst looking both serene and beautiful and being well behaved! (looks at little Mia)

I'd also like to say that Claire looks absolutely stunning today. I'm sure Dave appreciates what a truly lucky man he is. For you part Dave, you seem to have finally scrubbed up ok yourself for once!

I've known Dave and been good friends with him for about 11 years now. He shares the year of his birth with Kate Moss, but that's all he's shared with her. Also interestingly, shortly after the year of his birth free family planning became available on the NHS…

I tried hard myself and asked a few people to come up with appropriate anecdotes for the occasion today, but nobody could think of any. It's not that's Dave's boring, It's because they are all inappropriate for a family wedding!! However, I will be over at the bar on numerous occasions tonight and I'll be more than willing to be bribed!

I was going to mention the time when Dave was racing someone back from a nightclub on a country road and he hit them at 90mph.… But… we don't wanna do that!!.…

I was going to mention.… (chucks a cue card away) Nope he'll kill me if I mention that…

… (chucks a cue card away) Nope.…

Ahh…Deep breath… (chucks a cue card away) … I'd better not…!!!

….Dave is an absolute angel.…

There are a couple of cards here that I should quickly read out…

Claire, best wishes on your special day, I am sorry we couldn't make it work – Jonah Lomu

David, thanks for everything. I will never forget our nights by the pool – Michael Barrymore

Moving on, I've gathered together a selection of wise words by the foremost philosophers and sages throughout history, that should stand Dave and Claire in good stead throughout the ups and downs of their married life together.

A wise man once said that a woman marries a man expecting him to change, but he doesn't. A man marries a woman expecting to her to stay the same but she changes.

Tips for David:

David never be afraid of using those 2 little words that women love to hear throughout your marriage. No, not ‘Love you’ but ‘Yes dear’…

Tips for Claire:

Claire, remember that men are like a fine wine, they start out like sour grapes and it is your job to stamp on them in the dark until they turn into something you would like to have dinner with.

…and on that note, on behalf of the bride and groom I would like to thank everyone for sharing their day, It now gives me great pleasure to ask you to be upstanding and to raise your glasses in a toast.
We wish them well for the future and hope they enjoy a long and fruitful marriage together.
…Claire and Dave!