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Speech by Elliott Grady

I hope those looking find this site as helpful as I did.

Speech Type: Best man
Speech Creator: Elliott Grady
Speech Date: Aug2007
Ken, thank you for your kind words and good wishes.

Actually I had a great speech prepared, but now that I am married my wife tells me what to say, so I'll have to give this speech instead.

Can I start my speech by welcoming the guests. Today, we are surrounded by most of the friends and family that have been important to us during our lives.

Some have travelled hundreds of miles, just to be here today. It makes me the happiest man alive to be able to say ladies and gentlemen, friends and family, on behalf of my wife and I……….., welcome to our wedding and thank you sincerely for sharing this special day with us.

Kay and I, would like to thank you all very much for your cards, kind thoughts, and wonderful presents. Of course I haven't just gained a wife today, but also a family. Thank you to all of them for making me feel so welcome. Most of all, thank you for bringing Kay up to be the woman that I have married.


I would like to take this opportunity to propose a toast to the people? who for one reason or another.. cant be with us today? Also im sure there are a few looking down on us with big smiles on there faces, they are sorely missed not just today but every day and i know we will making them proud. Ladies and gentlemen.. please raise your glasses ABSENT AND LOST, FRIENDS.AND FAMILY

**********************THANK YOU BRIDE

I'm sure you will all agree with me that Kay looks absolutely stunning and I stand before you now, a very proud man indeed.I can honestly say I was overwhelmed when I first saw Kay today. The word amazing isn't enough to describe how you looked walking down the aisle to meet me.

Kay, thank you for agreeing to marry me. I love you very much and look forward to the rest of our lives together.

Over the past nearly 5 years we've lived the dream together and gone from adventure to adventure from travelling the world far east to come next week to buying our first house together. I'm so glad I can at last call you my wife and we can carry on living the dream.

One of the best things about being a man is that weddings seem to organise themselves. Clearly events like today's don't just happen. They take a considerable amount of hard work and organisation and it would seem an appropriate point for me to ask you all to join me in a toast to Kay whose constant hard work and organisational skills has made this the celebration that it is.

Ladies and gentlemen please be upstanding, I would like to propose a toast : To Kay

***********************THANK YOU BRIDES PARENTS

Sharon and Ken, from the bottom of our hearts Kay and I would like to thank you for helping finance this special day.

I am very proud to be your son-in-law, and I hope that I will live up to your expectations.

Having been with Kay nearly five years and engaged for over a year and now, I think I am prepared well enough.

Most of all, thank you for giving me your blessing to marry your treasured daughter, Kay.

Sharon, In appreciation for your support especially over the past few days we would like to give you these flowers as a token of our affection.

***********************THANK YOU GROOMS PARENTS

I would also like to thank my mum and dad for everything they have given me during my life, for they have always been there, and at times I have needed them.

Thank you for welcoming Kay into the family.


Mom, In appreciation for your support in the run up to the day we would like to give you this gift as a token of our affection,

***********************THANK YOU BRIDESMAIDS

Michelle, Jennie and Grace – thank you for been our bridesmaids.I think everybody here would agree how beautiful you all look today,

In appreciation we would like to give you each gifts for your help and support.

***********************THANK YOU PAGE BOY

We would also like to thank Jack for been our page boy, and I think we would all agree handsome and cool he looks today. For your help we would like to give you a gift as a token of our affection.

Ladies and gentlemen please be upstanding, I would like to propose a toast : To the page boy and bridesmaids

***********************THANK YOU USHER

Trevor thank you for been an usher on our special day.In appreciation for ensuring all our guests were sitting where they should be, here is a small token of thanks.

***********************THANK YOU Peter

I'd also like to give thanks to Kays uncle Peter in appreciation for his hard work in not only creating our wedding CD, but also ensuring songs were played as and when they should be.Here is a small token of our appreciation.

***********************THANK YOU BEST MEN AND USHERS

A massive thanks to my two best men for getting me here today in one piece. Also for there support, guidance and helpful words of advice. Ian and Chris thank you for being the best men, I couldnt got through all of this without your help along the way and who can forget the fantastic stag doo in Majorca that you both helped to organise and experience.

Especially Ian purchasing all the baywatch gear and T-shirts for all the lads who came on to the trip.

In appreciaton for all your help we would like to give you each gifts to thank you both for your support – especially over the last few days.

I should perhaps just mention at this point that Ian and Chris suffer from a rare medical condition which, makes them both prone to embellishment.

They often invent the most fanciful stories, which they sincerely believes to be true.

I hope you bear this in mind when they stand up to speak in a few moments.

Well I think that's enough from me
Ladies and gentlemen i give you ian and chris.