Speech by Chris Bratt
Hi Guys, Whilst preparing for my recent marriage (Sat 26 March 2005) I came across your site and found the example speeches a real help when preparing mine. I tried to steer away from most of the usual jokes and cliches and hope that the resulting speech (which went down extremely well on the day) will provide inspiration to future grooms as they prepare for that dreaded time when ones palms get sweaty, pulse starts racing, throat gets dry and beads of sweat break out on ones brow......................... .........................the paying of the bill for the reception! Seriously tho
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Speech Type: Best man
Speech Creator: Chris Bratt
Speech Date: Apr2004
Someone once said that a good speech has both a good beginning and a good ending. A great speech however keeps both of these very close together.
Bearing this in mind, those of you who are familiar with my line of work will be aware that any other time I have to get up and speak in front of a lot of people it usually involves overheads, handouts and goes on for at least half an hour – but not on this occasion, honest!
I would like to remind you all however that in the event of a fire alarm please vacate the building in an orderly fashion by the nearest emergency exit (do not run or shout and do not return to collect belongings) and make your way to Assembly Point 3 in the car park where a roll call will be taken……….…
Ladies and Gentlemen, family and friends, on behalf of Allie and myself, welcome to you all. I know many of you have travelled some distance to be with us here to help us celebrate our special day and for that we are extremely grateful. In particular I would like to say how great it is to have the South African contingent of the Bratt family here in the UK in particular my big brother Ian – my Best Man, and we are looking forward to spending some time all together in a couple of weeks at Mum and Dads in Macclesfield.
As most of you know, Allie and I met on the internet (on t'internet as they say up North!). I was living in Yorkshire at the time and Allie saw my photo and thought it may be nice to have a pen friend back in the ‘old county’ (Allie is originally from Yorkshire). What she didn't realise is that although living in Yorkshire I am originally from Lancashire. Despite some passing comment of the ‘War of The Roses’ early on in our relationship our love for each other blossomed and we became rather more than just pen pals. However, for the first six months of our relationship we only saw each other at weekends, and over this past six months we have only seen each other at weekends, but instead of being in Yorkshire I am now in Eastbourne. And Eastbourne is where we are going to set up home together as Mr & Mrs Bratt!! – once Allie has had her ‘purple rinse’ that is.
It is tradition that the Bride is given in marriage by her father. Sadly Allie's Dad passed on 14 years ago, so Alex took on that duty. It is a role that he performed admirably, and I'm sure his Grandpop would be proud of him today. I should like to thank Alex for his kind words, and also thank him and his brother Tony for allowing me the honour of marrying their mother.
I should like to take this opportunity to say a huge thank you to my Mum and Dad. Really you both deserve a medal for endurance. Being a parent is more than just being supportive through the early years, sometimes they are needed in later life as well, as you well know!! You have always been there for me – to help, lend support, offer advice (sometimes not taken), and most of all to love and be loved.
Mum and Dad – a small token of our appreciation…… (flowers)
I'd like to thank Allie's Mum, Dorothy for – well – being Dorothy. You have a lovely daughter, and I am proud to be having you as a Mum-in-Law. Thanks for making me feel so welcome into your family. I promise I will not listen to another Mum-in-Law joke again.
Mum – a small token of our thanks and love…… (flowers)
Dawn – we would just like to say a big thank you for all of the time and hard work that you put into the bridal favours that you all have in front of you today. …..(flowers)
Brian – for all your hard work taking videos and photos which will be a permanent reminder of our special day.
Well Bruv – what can I say. When you accepted my invitation to be my Best Man I was overjoyed.
For those who don't know, Ian and family live in South Africa, and as a family rarely venture to the Northern Hemisphere. Ian however, usually manages to include a brief visit to the UK when he is up here either on business or for orienteering (for those unfamiliar with this sport, Ian will be available later for coaching sessions around the golf course). Invariably these visits usually include numerous visits to public houses of varying degrees of decorative state to enable him to top up on beer and more importantly the atmosphere. You can get a pint of Boddingtons in SA cheaper than you can over here!! But you'd be hard pushed to find a “Harrington Arms” in SA. There's a whole new story…………….…
I should take a moment to mention at this point that Ian does suffer from a rare medical condition that makes him prone to telling tall stories that he believes to be true. So please bear that in mind when he makes his speech!!!
Since meeting Allie, not only have I got to meet and know her family, I have also got to know her wide circle of friends. Its very much a testimony to Allie's character and personality that a number of these friends have given up so much of their valuable time to make our day extra special. In particular we would like to thank:
Kerri for singing during the signing of the register
Gary and Jane for providing the music for the service
Fiona for organising the Marshfields School Choir and also writing the second verse especially for us today….… (flowers)
Will for the reading
and of course Tony for marrying us!
And so that brings me to Allie – no I'm not going to say ‘My Bride and Joy’ as that is a cliché too far. I would like to say – thank you Allie for marrying me even though you know all about my faults. You on the other hand have no faults, you are gorgeous, lovely , tender, generous, outgoing, loving, (what does that word say, I can't read your writing!). Seriously though, I have so much to thank you for, I love you with all of my heart and I am devoted to you. Thanks for making me so very happy and for loving me as much as I love you. You look absolutely stunning today, but then you look absolutely stunning to me every day. I am extremely lucky today to marry you – and I hope this is the start of many happy years together.
Elton Furze – just a quick thank you to Paul and his team for all the effort they have put in today – I'm sure you agree it was a wonderful meal.
Bridesmaids – didn't they look lovely.
Tierney and Aiva, thank you very much for being here today for us.
Here's a little something from both of us by way of a thanks…..(gifts)
Ladies and Gentlemen, will you please raise your glasses, as I'd like to propose a toast. To the Bridesmaids.
And so Ladies and Gents, I think I have gone on for long enough! Once again a huge thank you to you all for being here, your good wishes, presents and cards. We hope that you enjoy the rest of today and this evening.
I'll now hand over to my Best Man – Dr Ian Bratt……………………..