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On since 2024

Last update: November 2024

Your wedding day is one of the most significant moments in your life, and our videography services ensure that every precious detail is captured with artistry and care. Imagine reliving the magic of your vows, the laughter of loved ones, and the heartfelt toasts in stunning clarity, all woven together into a beautiful narrative that reflects your unique love story. Our approach goes beyond mere documentation. We create an emotional experience that encapsulates the essence of your celebration, allowing you to experience the joy, love and laughter of your special day for years to come. With our cinematic expertise, we promise to deliver a timeless heirloom that you and your family can cherish forever.

Closeshotfilms is a professional wedding videography service in Maidstone, Kent.

Frequently asked questions

What services do you offer?

Pre wedding
Post wedding
Digital album
High resolution photos

What does the wedding package include?

Our wedding package is designed to capture every moment of your special day which includes the following: A Pre-wedding consultation, Full-Length Video and Optional add ons

How far in advance should I contact you?

6-8 Weeks Notice Preffered

Do you cover more than one wedding a day?


Can you travel?

Yes, south East of England

What is the charge for travelling?

Discussed over Consultation

What kind of technology do you use?


Do you use a specific technique or innovative approach?

We utilise a combination of cinematic storytelling techniques and advanced filming methods to create dynamic and immersive videos. Our approach focuses on capturing authentic moments and emotions

What kind of equipment do you use?

We use professional grade equipment, Such as Canon EOS R50 With multiple lenses specialised for each kind of shot! Drones, Tripods and Monitors are used for Video

Do you work alone or do you have a team of professionals?


Do you charge per hour or per event?

Per event

If needed, would you be able to work extra hours?


How do you charge extra time?

Discussed before wedding

What are the forms of payment?

Online Bank Transfer or payment options through website

How do you work?

Your wedding day is a once-in-a-lifetime experience, I pride myself on my friendly and approachable style, ensuring you feel at ease while I document the joy and emotion of your special day

Served in

Kent, South East London and Surrey

illustration notebook

Do you have any questions?

Reviews for Closeshotfilms

We're all about trust. Our community relies on honest reviews to make your big decisions easier.
5.0 out of 5 rating
5.0 out of 5 rating
2 reviews
100% recommend it
  • Quality of the service
    5 out of 5 rating
  • Response time
    5 out of 5 rating
  • Professionalism
    5 out of 5 rating
  • Value for money
    5 out of 5 rating
  • Flexibility
    5 out of 5 rating
Sarah Sent on 02/11/2024
5 out of 5 rating

Both so pleased

Couldn’t be happier with how he captured our day. I’m convinced he’s a magican! Hardly noticed him the whole day and he’s captured every moment. Looking through the pictures he done for us is like living through the day again!
Max S. Sent on 02/11/2024
5 out of 5 rating

Understood what we wanted completely!

We hired him for our wedding and he understood our vision perfectly, highly recommended!
illustration stars

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6 Roy hood court ME174FN Maidstone (Kent)

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