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Speech by Kevin

Please give feedback if you can it will be gratefully received, my wedding is in May so plenty of time to change it if need be.

Speech Type: Groom
Speech Creator: Kevin
Speech Date: 08/03/2018 20:56:33

Thanks for those kind words there Gaz means a lot…

I'm not going to lie to you I've tried my best to get drunk to try and get through this speech and I hope you guys have too because we will all want to forget this part. I am going to try and make the most of it though because I have been told that this is the last chance I will ever get to speak for myself now that I'm a married man.

OK on behalf of my wife and I.… I would like to thank you all for coming today and sharing our day with us, especially those that have travelled a great distance knowing they were going to be paying a fortune for a pint, now that's a commitment. You all look amazing and It means a lot to the both of us that you could all be here today especially, ladies, when it's also the royal wedding…we booked first by the way… and gents, sincere apologies for double booking FA cup final… but you all chose to watch us tie the knot instead and we appreciate it.

As you can see I don't have much of a family, many of them are estranged or no longer with us and the remaining few are here. So, to now become part of my wife's extremely large family is a great honour. Each and every one of you have made me feel welcome and at ease from day one so I would like to thank you all for that I appreciate it.

I would like to say the bridesmaids look stunning I'm sure you will all agree. They have done an amazing job at keeping Leah calm and helped her to make it somewhere on time for once. So, Thankyou ladies, for supporting my extremely nervous wife today. Round of applause for them.

Also, a shout out to Kaine who has done a sterling job at being an usher good effort buddy.

I'd like to say a huge thankyou to the father of the bride, without Gaz, today would not be happening, we are eternally grateful for helping our wish come true and for agreeing to me marrying your beautiful daughter, but just so you know I would have still asked her to marry me even if you had said no. My wife has also asked me to mention that out of all the walks you and her have ever taken, the walk down the aisle was her favourite.

Also to the mother of the bride Tina, you look fantastic thanks for your support over the last few months and watching the kids so we could organise everything, I know things between you and Leah haven't always been great, trust me I know how difficult my wife can be at times, and yet I still married her, but I know it means a lot to her that you are here and have welcomed me into the family.

I want to say a special thanks to my mum Catherine (just so you all know I am massive mummies boy) I know you have been waiting for this moment your whole life, I've finally met the one mum I'm all grown up now and have a family of my own. I hope your proud of me and what I have achieved so far. Thanks for always being there and all the advice you have given me growing up, thank you for letting me make my own mistakes and always being there when things fell to pieces. It means the world to me that you took to Leah and Codey straight away and treated them as though they are your own flesh and blood. Thank you for your continued support even though we live 140 miles away.

To my dad Shaun, I want to thank you for teaching me so many life skills. Even though you are my step dad, you have been the best dad I could have ever wished for. You believed in me when I didn't believe in myself, you worked hard to provide for me and to take me on holidays. You made me realise that biology means nothing when becoming a father, you stepped up to the plate and treated me like your own, you fought my battles and taught me not to be afraid of anything. You played a massive role in my life and without you I wouldn't be the man I am today. I know I pushed you to breaking point many times especially when it came to learning algebraic equations and Pythagoras’ theory but now I see that you only ever wanted the best for me, so thanks dad.

We do have some gifts for the parents of the bride and groom but just to keep things moving we will give them out later on.

Next to our 2 beautiful boys, Codey and Enzo, your mum and I are extremely proud of you, we both love you so much and only ever want what's best for you, you are both such clever boys and well behaved…well sometimes… but you have been brilliant today so thank you oh and you both look sick. (thumbs up). Codey, not only have I made a vow to your mum today to always be there for her no matter what, I will always be here for you too. I promise I will always love you as my own son and always do my best to make sure you have the best upbringing possible. As you get older we are going to argue, there is going to be times where you think I'm being unfair because I didn't let you do what you wanted to do and there's going to be times you wish I wasn't your dad. but I want you to remember son, that I only want what is best for you and I promise that I will always be by your side when you need me the most trough the good and the bad.

If you all wouldn't mind joining me in standing, I would like to propose a toast to my 2 beautiful boys may all your dreams come true…To Codey and Enzo..

Finally, last but by no means least, my beautiful wife. I know you hate being centre of attention so I will try and keep this short for you. First of all, thanks for turning up, for a moment there I thought you had finally realised that Kevin is punching well above his weight. Anyway, you haven't and your stuck with me now. You look amazing today I really am the luckiest guy on the planet right now you look absolutely stunning. I want to thank you for walking in to my life that day 5 and a half years ago. For all of those that don't know our story, we met at work and the first time we saw each other we were both wearing long flattering smocks down past our knees and blue hair nets, a bit like this one..… (put on hair net).  Even though it appeared we both had a blue rinse, I knew right there and then you were the one for me. There must have been 15-20 people in the room and quite a bit of machinery making a racket, but when I looked in to your eyes it felt like for that brief moment there was only me and you on the planet.  You truly are my everything, there is no words that could begin to express how much you mean to me.  Your beautiful, intelligent, funny…what does that next bit say babe? Seriously though you are my rock and your such an amazing mum to our 2 beautiful boys..

So, without further ado I would like to invite you all to be upstanding once again as i propose a toast to my beautiful wife…thank you for becoming my happily ever after… To Leah… I love you x

Ok well I've took up enough of your time now I know everybody wants to get on with partying I certainly can't wait to throw some uncle knob head shapes and I've been informed Gaz is the man to beat when it comes to top notch dance moves.

I'm gunna pass you over to this guy on my right, I don't really know him, I know his name is ste and that's about it. I was desperate for a best man and I found this guy hanging about outside told him if he said a few words at my wedding there would be free food and booze in it for him and he said yes. So I have no idea what he's made up about me so just take it with a pinch of salt yeah? thank you.