Speech by Kev
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Speech Type: Groom
Speech Creator: Kev
Speech Date: 23/10/2017 01:01:37
My wife and I would like to welcome you all here today. It's really overwhelming to see so many of you joining us to celebrate the happiest day of our lives, and thanks for the wonderful gifts you've given us. I know that some of you have travelled a long way to be here and that means a lot to us. I can honestly say it wouldn't be the same without you all….although it would have been a hell of a lot cheaper.
Now events like today don't just happen. We have been planning this wedding for some time now. Well, I say “we”, Justine actually did most of the work. Well I say most, it's actually ALL of the work, as one of the best things about being the groom is weddings just seem to organise themselves. So to Justine and everyone else who has helped organise today I would like to say a big thank you, you've done an amazing job.
Now there will be a few toasts during my speech, so please don't neck the whole glass at the first toast…mentioning no names…MAM. To start with, I would like to take this opportunity to say that unfortunately, there are some people close to our hearts who cannot be with us today. I know they would have enjoyed it immensely. Our thoughts are with them and we know that their thoughts are with us. Ladies and gentlemen… please raise your glasses to ABSENT AND LOST, Family and Friends.
I want to thank all of Justine's family for the welcome they've given me, but there's a couple of people I'd like to mention personally. Firstly, to Justine's mam Yvonne who's had to put up with my bad jokes and childish behaviour over the years but she's been nothing but nice to me and treated me like one of her own. She's always there to help us out whether it be by watching Josh or helping with money; thank you so much for that, we can't describe how much we appreciate it. I'd also like to thank Davey, Justine's dad, for giving me permission to marry his beautiful daughter. The exact words he used were, “You're a brave man for taking her on”. I would say I'm a lucky man rather than brave. And last but least I'd like to thank Justine's grandad Gordon, you couldn't wish to meet a nicer person than this man, it's a real honour to become part of his family. I think everyone here agrees that you have all played a part in raising a beautiful, smart and kind daughter who's a real credit to your family. GIFTS
Now onto my mam and dad. Both myself and Justine would like to thank you for all the help you've given us over the years, whether it's helping out with money, watching Josh, replacing all the dead plants in the garden that I don't water often enough, doing the ironing even though I keep telling you not to or whatever it may be, the list goes on, we really appreciate it, THANK YOU. On a personal note I just want to say how much you both mean to me, without your love, guidance and support I wouldn't be the man you see today. I bet you never thought you'd see this day when I was a spotty teenager with Roy Keane posters on his bedroom wall and a yellow tele, and to be honest neither did I, as you've always said I did seem to take ages to grow up. I think I've just gone from teenager to middle aged in 5 years. GIFTS
Now onto the main event, first of all, I just want to say how amazing you look today Justine. I knew you would even when I wrote this two weeks ago because you look amazing every day. You're the Wayne…..ah, maybe I should have changed that one. I can't imagine my life without you and I count myself extremely lucky to of met someone as beautiful, funny, caring, and selfless as you. You're also the best mam in the world to our amazing little boy Joshua who is never naughty and always does as he's told, I asked him if he had anything to say about you for daddy to add to his speech, he said no like speech, strawberry milk.
I'll tell you all a little story about how we met, I'd love to talk about how our eyes met across a crowded room and it was love at first sight but I'd be lying. We met in Bud Bigelows in Sunderland, the type of place where even the mechanical bull is on benefits. I sort of stumbled over and asked for her number without even asking her name or if she wanted a drink first, but somehow I managed to get it. We arranged to go on a date which went really well, well enough for us both to agree on a second, but this one didn't quite go as planned.
We met in Sunderland for drinks, we'd only been out for about an hour when Justine said she didn't feel too good, and 10 minutes later she's being sick behind the bins around the back of Infusion. At the time I just thought she couldn't handle her drink but knowing her like I do now and knowing she can drink most men under the table, I agree with her that she must of been spiked. Anyway I helped her up and helped her into the front of a taxi, but being the gentleman that I am I got in the back to make sure she actually made it home (bearing in mind I didn't even know where home was). She guided the taxi to the bottom of her mam's street and got out, at this point I got out as well to at least say goodnight but within about 5 seconds she'd ran across the road and was away up the street. So now I'm stuck with the taxi to pay in a place I've never been before and I'm starting to get worried that she thinks that I've spiked her. Despite all of that we met up again and the rest as they say is history. I love you from the bottom of my heart Justine and I promise to make you happy for the rest of our lives together.
I'd like to thank the bridesmaids for all the help they've given Justine on the lead up to the wedding and for making sure she had an amazing time on her hen do, even if she was dressed as a giant potato. You all look stunning today ladies, I'd like to propose a toast…TO THE BRIDESMAIDS.
I want to thank my groomsmen for looking after me in Amsterdam and helping me get the goods through customs. It was a close call boys. Also thanks for getting me here on time and for turning up sober…ish.
Right then that's enough from me, it now gives me great pleasure to hand you over to my best man Ally. We've known each other since year 7 but didn't become proper mates till a few years after we left school.
When I had to choose who I was having as my best man it could only have been one person, sadly they couldn't make it today so I asked Ally instead. Only joking, there was never a doubt in my mind, I just want to say thanks for a cracking stag do, I've never laughed so much in all my life. For those of you who don't know, Ally arranged for all the lads to wear a bald wig and a fake big nose in honour of the stag…that reminds me Ally, you can take yours off now mate. Right that's me done, thanks for coming everybody….over to you mate.