Speech by Chris
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Speech Type: Groom
Speech Creator: Chris
Speech Date: 04/06/2018 08:51:04
To be honest I really didn't know how to start my speech, so I decided to browse some internet websites. After hours of looking I found some great stuff, and then I remembered I was meant to be writing my wedding speech!
I've been warned that football talk is banned, which is good because Arsenal have had a terrible season yet again and the world cup hasn't started yet, but we all know supporting England is never anything to shout about.
On behalf of my wife and I we would like to thank you all for coming and sharing our special day with us.
We hope you enjoy the day as much as us, sadly it's not possible to have everyone we love here today, in particular (Bride) great grandma who sadly passed away last week, but we know they are here in spirit and they are not only in our thoughts today, more importantly they are with us in our hearts.
We have a lot of thank yous to get through as today would not be the day it is without them.
The bridesmaids, you look lovely, Abi, Laura, Nicola, Rosie & Sophie, you girls have been great for Sammy, with the planning, and you have all done your own little bit in one way or another to help throughout the many weeks of intense preparation for today.
(Flowergirls), our flower girls, you're both looking very pretty, we hope you enjoy being princesses for the day.
To the ushers (ushers) who have been doing a great job, I think your duties have near enough finished now so you can get drinking, as if you hadn't already!
(Pageboy) looks like you enjoyed the food mate! Thanks for being Page boy today, you have done a top job, and you can get back to being Batman after today!
Mum & Dad thanks for everything you have done for me & (Bride), you let us live with you for the time it took whilst we took on the huge job of rebuilding the house, along with helping us decorate, and for everything you have done in supporting us in making today.
The new in laws, I have four, some would say unlucky, but I think I am lucky!
(Mother of bride) & (Step father of bride) you have both been amazing, since the day I met (Bride) you have taken me in like one of your own, you have both done so much for me and (Bride), (Mother of bride)especially with stopping (Bride) becoming a real psycho over the past few months. You've been brilliant in helping us organize everything, without your input the run up and today would have been a crazy stressful event, thanks also for all the little things and big things you have done, the cake looks beautiful, I know it will taste lovely, I've had many taster samples!
(Father of bride), Thanks again for your kind words, and to yourself and (Step mother of bride) for making me feel part of the family as soon as we met, the help and support you have given us in preparation of the wedding has been brilliant and we are both very thankful.
(Step mother of bride), thanks to you for your support and for organizing the Marryoke today we hope everyone enjoys it, and we look forward to seeing the finished video.
So when I asked (Bride) to marry me, I knew that I needed a best man and that there was only one person that title could be given to, my little man who doubles up as my best man (my son).
Thank you boy for standing with me as my best man. There is nobody better I would want to stand with me and support me and (Bride) with the things you have done.
Me and (Bride) are extremely proud of you, you will agree that we are both so lucky to have (Bride) in our life's, from the moment you met (Bride) you have bonded with her so much and we do so many good things as a family, I know you love her very much and are very thankful for all the things she does for you.
You have been brilliant today so thank you and you look sick.
The final part leads to the star of the day, my beautiful new wife (Bride)!
When I saw you walk down the aisle, I looked back and thought you look amazing, you looked so happy, something I love about you is your smile, and as soon as I saw it I felt so happy. I am so thankful to you for walking in to my life on that sunny pre-school sports day, and so happy that you agreed to be my wife and spend the rest of your life with me.
For all of those that don't know our story, we first met at (my son) pre-school sports day where (Bride) worked, and from that moment I knew what a beautiful great person she was so loving, caring, good fun.… and competitive, just like me!!
Most of you will know that got down on one knee on New Year's Day 2017 and popped the question. Now I hadn't even got back up from one knee when (Bride) was trying to find this place's phone number and the next open day. That's how excited (Bride) was to start planning today, I've been so proud of the way you have juggled organizing this wedding with starting your new job you began mid wedding planning along with everything else.
(Bride), you're going to be an amazing wife, you're an amazing step parent and one day an amazing mum, you do so much and we are so lucky to have you in our lives, both myself and (my son) love you very much.
They say marriage is a partnership or teamwork, and I believe myself and (Bride) have got this down to a tee, from the moment we moved in together I knew it, she cooks dinner, I eat it, I make a mess and (Bride) tidies it! Perfect!
(Bride), I love you in so many ways and for so many reasons but mostly because you're the one I can't live without, you are beautiful inside and out and I can't wait to continue many happy years together making many more happy memories.
Well I've taken up enough of your time now, it is surprising when you sit down and put your words on paper how much there is to say, but I'm sure someone in here is timing it to see how long it's been, (Step father of bride/uncle)?
So Ladies and Gentlemen, please be upstanding, and raise a glass to my Wife!