Speech by Mark Mckenna
Hi there I found your website a very useful aid in gathering the thoughts for preparing my groom''s speech for my wedding yesterday. As a result, I thought it would be a good idea if I submitted by speech if you wish to use it on your website. It was very successful at the wedding yesterday! Please find attached my speech. It''s probably more personal with less typical one-liners in it than most, but if it helps anyone else out then I''ll be more than happy Cheers Mark
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Speech Type: Groom
Speech Creator: Mark Mckenna
Speech Date: Jul2007
Thank you very much for your kind and heartfelt words Alec. A couple of times there during you speech I was close to that most embarrassing of phenomena…the man-cry
Ladies, Gentlemen and Lurch couldn't resist that no matter how hard I tried, it makes me the happiest man alive to say “on behalf of my wife and I”, wow, that sounds good, that's worth repeating… on behalf of my wife and I, I would like to thank you all for coming and sharing this special day with us.
I know quite a few of you have come great distances to be here today, so thank you to you all, we really appreciate it…and not just for the presents, we are glad to see you as well
Now as is custom, there will be a few toasts during my speech, so please don't neck the whole glass of champagne at the first toast…mentioning no names, Dad
You will see you're all on a table depicting one of the countries we've travelled to during our time together. I'd like to think that through sharing these experiences together from travelling through all these countries, we've grown together as a unit. From dodging sharks and crocodiles in South Africa, dingoes in Australia, SARS in Asia, Robert Mugabe in Zimbabwe, we've shown that we can overcome anything. Don't think either of us could have done any of this on our own but as a partnership there's no obstacles that can stand in our way. That strength will only grow as we spend the rest of our lives together as husband and wife.
Of course, we have been to other far flung and dangerous places, we were constrained to just 8 tables. We've had to come through some very scary and chilling experiences in other daunting places where I don't know how we'd have come through alive. We've also been to Wolverhampton point over to table with Yam Yams on!
Absent Family & Friends
We're delighted to see you all here today, but sadly there are some family and friends who have not been able to attend. For various reasons, people haven't been able to attend. In particular, as they were desperate to be here, both of Katie's grandparents are sadly not in good enough health to be able to travel up here to Meols Hall. Although they're not here in person, we know they are here in spirit.
First toast ladies and gents…to absent family and friends
Katie Tribute
I'm sure you will all agree with me that Katie looks absolutely stunning today and I stand before you now, a very proud man indeed.
Now I did the easy bit in proposing to Katie. The credit for everything beyond that point has to go to the gorgeous woman sat next to me here, sorry one of the gorgeous women sat next to me here look at mother of bride. Katie has put so much work into making today the special day that it is. The success of the day just goes to show what an amazing woman…my wife…is
It says everything about Katie and why I love her so much that she's put so much effort into making the day special and enjoyable not just for the two of us, but also for everyone here today. In planning the wedding, Katie will have spoken to me at some point about each and every person in the room here and how you will enjoy the day. She is the most thoughtful and kind person I have ever met and that is why I love you so much.
Most of you will know that got down on one knee on the beach in Sharm El Sheikh and did the business….pause then of course, I mean popped the question to her…on to Katie. Now I hadn't even finished brushing the sand off me knee when Katie was counting how many veggies we had and where they were going to be sat. That's how committed Katie was into making today perfect for everyone.
So as a present to Katie for all the hard work that she has put in, could I ask that for one day only, all you gents and quite a few of you women go the whole day without having a football argument. Does everyone commit to this present to Katie? Yes from floor So then when I say Mikel Arteta is THE best Spaniard we know, nobody can argue with me!
Well over the past nearly 6 years we've lived the dream together and gone from adventure to adventure from travelling the world to buying our first house together. I'm so glad I can at last call you my wife and we can carry on living the dream.
May I raise a toast to Katie
Thanks to Parents & Prezzie
My Mum & Dad
I'd like to say a personal thank you to my Mum and Dad for showing me what it is to love and for making me the person that I am today. On behalf of both me and Katie, I'd like to thank you for the endless love and support you give us as we build our life together.
As a token of our thanks, we'd like to give you this present to make sure that the memories of today are always with you
Jane & Alec
I'd like to say a personal thank you for welcoming me into your family and for helping to make Katie the person she is before me today. Again, on behalf of both me and my new wife, may I thank you for all the support you give us, not just in the wedding, but in everything we do.
To show our thanks, we'd like to give you this present again to provide an everlasting memory of this special day.
Collective toast, to our parents
Thanks to Lucy & Prezzie
To Katie's bridesmaid Lucy, thank you for providing support for Katie in the build up to today, for the hen-do, and for always being there for Katie as a loving sister…even when you have a slight disagreement!
Please accept this gift as a token of our thanks for your support
Thanks to Lurch & Prezzie
To my brother Lurch, thank your for erm, erm, ask Katie. Only messing, thank you for being a top brother who is also a boss mate. On behalf of Katie, thank you for agreeing with her about the things I do that are annoying.
To show our appreciation, please accept this gift
Thanks to caterers, readers, organisers, blag ushers
Thank you to everyone who has helped make today the special day that it is. Thanks to the Little and Large show before for their readings…it was like the angels themselves were talking to us. For those who don't know, Ed's the one with the light hair, Col's the one with dark…I find it difficult too to tell which one is which
Final Toast & Intro Best Man
Once again, may we thank you all for coming and for your wonderful gifts
To carry on the tone from the day so far and set us up for the rest of the night, I would like to propose a toast to everyone here this evening.
“To love, to laughter and to Happiness!”
And now we have the Best Man formerly known as Stephen think that's what his name was, now known as Lurch! Word of warning though, he does have this illness where he makes stuff up and actually convinces himself that it is the truth. He's also very good with IT and has the ability to alter photographs using his computer. Please bear this in mind during his speech