Speech by Ian Tynan
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Speech Type: Groom
Speech Creator: Ian Tynan
Speech Date: Jul2007
Thanks for those kind words stuart! I don?t know about you mate but I cant get over the size of these microphones Indicating to helium filled balloons on table in front of us
Ladies and gents boys and girls? I just want to let you know what a very special day this is for me? second only to my stag day.
I had a fantastic speech all worked out for today? but now I?m married my new wife has told me what to say.
On behalf of Mrs Tynan and myself.. I would like to thakyou all for coming and sharing our special day?. We know some of you have traveled a long way to be here to celebrate with us.. so we hope that the today is enjoyable for you as it is special to us.
I would like to take this opportunity to propose a toast to the people? who for one reason or another.. cant be with us today? Also im sure there are a few looking down on us today with big smiles on there faces. Ladies and gentlemen.. please raise your glasses ABSENT AND LOST, FRIENDS.AND FAMILY
Kathy I love you so very much and look forward to spending the rest of our lives together.. I feel very lucky, Kathy is beautiful. kind, caring, an excellent mother to our 2 children?. and I would go on except that I can?t read her writing.
Ladies and gentlemen please be upstanding, I would like to propose a toast? my beautiful wife: Kathy
The thing about being a man? is that weddings seem to organize themselves? Obviously this is not the case? they take a lot of planning, organizing and hard work, firstly I would like to thank Kathy for all the work she has put in to today.
I would like to thank my mum and Dad Anne and Terry for providing all this wonderful food and wine. Mum the cake is absolutely stunning.
Thanks to all of you that helped to prepare the food, If it tastes as good as it looks were all in for a right feast. I would especially like to thank Auntie Pauline and Bob for all there running around and help.
Thank you to Sharon and Mike for paying for the church, we could never have had a church wedding if it wasn?t for the both of you, you will never know how much it has meant to us? thankyou.
Thank you to Carol for Helping towards the wedding dress and for treating us to a honeymoon in Paris. Trouble is she insisted on coming with us.
Thankyou To Stuart and Tina? Kathys dad Jimmy and michelle?. and my mum and dad for also helping to pay for the wedding dress. You may think that?s a lot of people to help pay for something, but if I put it this way?. The wedding dress cost 㿞0 more than my car did! AND MY CAR CAME WITH A RADIO. However As I said before Kathy looks absolutely stunning.
Thankyou to Chris for creating the orders of service and invites
Finally.. Thank you to Martin for offering his services as chauffer today.
I?m sure, I must have missed people out, to those I do apologize.
Without all these people.. today would never have happened. And we both thank you from the bottom of our hearts.
When thinking about what to put in my speech I looked at a variety of sources, but I always ended up, back with the Big Man.
The true light,
My guiding spirit,
The one who has a following of millions,
Homer Simpson.
When asked what marriage is like he responded
?Marriage is like being married to your best friend, and he lets you play with his boobs?.
Every one who knows me will well understand exactly where Homer and I, are coming from with that one.
Tradition dictates that I now tell you an amusing story or two about Kathy.. fortunately she dictates that I do no such thing. But I will say, that we've been living together now for nearly 8 years, and in that time I've learned a very valuable lesson:
Whenever I?m Wrong – Admit It!!
Whenever I?m Right – Keep Quiet!!
That's probably good advice for most men actually!!!
Thank you to our ushers, Jake and Tom. Jake and Tom have done an excellent job as ushers, especially the way you carried out the security checks on the way into church with such discretion. There wasn?t an abandoned rucksack insight. Thanks boys presents
That brings me onto our bridesmaids and page boys
Kayleigh, Konnor, Morgan and Joshua. Thank you very much for being our bridesmaids and page boys, I?m sure everyone will agree how special you look today and also how well behaved you have been. I?m sure Sarah and Daley are as proud of Konnor and Morgan as Kathy and I are of Kayleigh and Joshua. gifts
Right onto the chief bridesmaid perhaps I should rephrase that Sammy Thank-you for being there for Kathy through the ups and downs of wedding planning! I?m sure everyone will agree that you look absolutely stunning today.
Ladies and gentleman please raise your glasses THE BRIDESMAIDS AND PAGEBOYS.
I would like to say a big thanks to my best man David. Who made an absolutely perfect stag day? and has been my rock over the past few years. I would like to thank him for all he has done today. David and his fiancée Jenny have there own specail day coming up, with the birth of there baby in December. I?m sure everyone is with me when I wish them all the very best for the future. Right over to David to make an even bigger fool of me.