Speech by Jaime Hardwick
This last weekend my best friend married my youngest brother and you're site really helped me in writing this nerve wracking speech. The examples I read were tremendously helpful, and ended up going in to my own speech in little bits. I just wanted to thank all the writers and this site for the help!
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Speech Type: Maid of honour/Best woman
Speech Creator: Jaime Hardwick
Speech Date: Jun2005
First of all, I want to thank you all for coming so far for this special event. I know it means a lot to Toni and Jeremy. We are missing one very important person today, Stacie, Toni's sister whom we lost 2 months ago. But I know she is here today Toni, holding your other hand.
Jeremy got here when I was 9, so I was actually old enough to enjoy having another baby brother in the house. We all knew from the get-go that Jeremy had a different sense of humor than most little boys. He started climbing walls at a very young age, literally, and was soon thereafter bungee jumping the cats off the bunk beds. At age four, he held the family hostage in the driveway with the hose. Every time one of us tried to get past him to turn it off, he would shoot us full blast in the face with water. It took Uncle Joe to finally get the hose away from Jeremy and free us all.
Now, Toni and I met at Dan's Foods Grocery store when we were both 19. The first time I remember talking to her was when she was a checker and I was a bagger. I had asked her to work for me, and she said she would, as long as she didn't have to bag. Obviously, the managers were not ok with that, but I was really impressed by her easygoing manner, and her willingness to help me out. We hung out for a few months after that and quickly realized how much we enjoyed each other's company. Through the years, we have been roommates in Utah, hiking and camping buddies, roommates in Indiana, lifelong friends, and now sisters. It hasn't always been easy, but Toni has made me work at it to make it as good as it is now.
I have known Jeremy for 23 years and Toni for 13, and I can't think of a better pair. My brother and my best friend. Before they ever dated, Toni always flirted with Jeremy, and I remember his retort to her attention. “Toni, I'm too young for you, and by the time I'm old enough for you, you'll be too old for me.” That must have been the hook that caught her. Who knew that all these years later, they would be getting married? But how wonderful that they did.
This marriage is not always going to be easy for them, but I think it will be a good one. Toni likes to talk about her feelings, and Jeremy doesn't like to talk at all. In fact, I've told Toni that being friends with me for all these years was just training for marrying Jeremy. However, knowing the two of them, with two of the most caring, thoughtful, and generous hearts, I know they will be fine. Jeremy and I grew up together, Toni and I grew up in the real world together, and Toni and Jeremy will grow together as a family.
Now, having been married for a whole two years now, I have some expert marriage advice to give:
– Whenever you're wrong, admit it. Whenever you're right, be quiet.
– The best way to remember an anniversary is to forget it just once. (which Sean just learned!)
– If you're clever, you'll always have the last word. However, if you're really clever you won't use it.
– A happy wife is a happy life.
– AND Jeremy- don't ever worry that Toni will leave you. She has spent years training you, and she won't give that up easily.
Now, lets raise our glasses to Toni and Jeremy. Here's to love, laughter, and happily ever after. Cheers!