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On since 2020
Last update: June 2024
Wedding Celebrant, Bernadette French LLB(Hons) has gained a wealth of experience in a career spanning 20 years in the wedding industry. Formerly a Superintendent Registrar with Hertfordshire Registration Service, she now runs her own successful and recognised business, ‘Precious Moments Ceremonies’. website -
Located in Felden, Hertfordshire, serving and performing wedding ceremonies in London , Hertfordshire, Buckinghamshire, Bedfordshire, Essex , throughout the UK, and abroad.
Services Offered
Your Wedding Your Way! To celebrate your love and commitment to one another in the way you choose!
The wedding ceremony is performed by Bernadette with elegant style, a sense of fun, and with a natural warmth that helps couples to express their love for one another in a relaxed way before family and friends.
There are countless options to choose from, including unlicensed as well as traditional licensed venues. Bernadette has created and performed ceremonies in a wide variety of venues including rustic barns, castles, stately homes, country houses, marquees and village halls. Anything goes! Church or chapel, perhaps a beach overlooking stunning sea views or the unique place where you first met, enjoyed your first date or where that unforgettable proposal took place!
Bernadette has also performed ceremonies at more unusual venues including on a boat and film location, as well as in couples’ own homes and gardens, where they can make the most of a personal setting.
Bernadette will arrange a planning meeting with you, guide you on your wedding journey and assist with legal requiements. Available with advice out of hours. It's your day!
- Woman-owned
Frequently asked questions
Served in
Bedfordshire, Buckinghamshire, Hertfordshire and North West London
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