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Father of the Bride Speech Examples

When writing your father of the bride speech, think about what you want to say to your daughter: your bond with her, special memories of her as a child and watching her grow into the woman she is today. Ultimately, a father of the bride speech should be personal and heart-warming, with lots of excitement for the future (and a few jokes!). Here’s lots of father of the bride speech examples to inspire you.

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This is a father of the bride speech at a gay (lesbian) wedding.
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This web site was a great help and my speech ended up being something that I could not have done without this help. I am happy to share it. Several people came up to me to say how much they enjoyed it.
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this speech went down very well and thanks to this site for the inspiration
Speech by David Glass
Father of the Bride Speech Examples
Father of the Bride Speech Examples
This was not an easy speech to prepare as i had only met my daughter`s future husband on three occasions,and his parents only once,such was their whirlwind romance and the fact we live a long way from each other.In fact, i didn`t really prepare it at all as such,i just had a few things in my mind as we ate the reception meal and just said what i felt as i went along!   That is why it is a short but to the point speech.Possibly too short for some but i hope i got it right and said what needed to be said.
Speech by Doc Rog
Father of the Bride Speech Examples
Speech by Robert Bonham
Father of the Bride Speech Examples
I took inspiration from several of the speeches on here and then altered them slightly so that they had a more personal feel. I am very nervous about speaking in public but am pleased to say I overcame my nerves on this occassion. I am also pleased to say that my speech was warmly received and was widely complimented. Good luck, I hope your speech is as well receved asmine was.
Speech by neil conniff
Father of the Bride Speech Examples
Obviously the speech won't work for everyone but the theme can be adapted and it certainly got a lot of laughs. I would advise that you write each paragraph on a separate card to read from. And pause before you say the subjects. Timing is EVERYTHING! An alternative ending could be.... "You put these two halves together and you get - a whole lot of love, and one happy couple" Thanks for reading it!
Speech by Tom Smith
Father of the Bride Speech Examples
Thanks for the assistance and inspiration in the preparation of my daughters speech. Regards,Tom Smith
Speech by Roland Byers
Father of the Bride Speech Examples
This speech was given just prior to the toast.
Speech by Ady.
Father of the Bride Speech Examples