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Father of the Bride Speech Examples

When writing your father of the bride speech, think about what you want to say to your daughter: your bond with her, special memories of her as a child and watching her grow into the woman she is today. Ultimately, a father of the bride speech should be personal and heart-warming, with lots of excitement for the future (and a few jokes!). Here’s lots of father of the bride speech examples to inspire you.

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Speech by Adrian Doyle
Father of the Bride Speech Examples
Never easy to compose and make any speech, but with the help of and a few of my own thoughts this speech seemed to cover all the main areas with a bit of humour and humility and thankfully it went down really well on the day.
Speech by Allan Saunders
Father of the Bride Speech Examples
Tears, cheers and laughter in all the right places. Thanks for the useful speeches on your website.
Speech by Howard Hoyt
Father of the Bride Speech Examples
Don't know if my first attempt made it to you or not but I had such a good experience with your site and the feedback on my speech was amazing.  I am now preparing a speech for our second wedding in four months so no wonder I'm back at your site.  I hope this helps somebody out there.  Thank-you, Howard
Speech by Mark Gladson
Father of the Bride Speech Examples
Speech by Andy Thompsett
Father of the Bride Speech Examples
I got lots of ideas and inspiration from others on this site - and from a few other sites out there.  Hope this helps somebody else in the same way.
Speech by Bill Smith
Father of the Bride Speech Examples
Speech by Chris Reynolds
Father of the Bride Speech Examples
Note from me: this site was very helpful in putting my speech together, so mine is provided simply to return something to the pool in exchange for what I got out of it.
Speech by Ken Storey
Father of the Bride Speech Examples
I had a lot of fun (and a little pain) preparing this speech and even more delivering it. This site was a tremendous help. I read literally hundreds of the speeches (not just FOB ones). I didn't want just a bullet point list of well-worn jokes, but a narrative which not only described my feelings but would also entertain. So much of a wedding speech (particularly FOB) depends on circumstances and no two people's are the same, but there are similarities and I was interested in everyone's story and how they told it, some of which I could take and fashion it to my own. Thanks to all those that in