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Speech by Rae O’Brien

Speech Type: Maid of honour/Best woman
Speech Creator: Rae O’Brien
Speech Date: 14/03/2014 17:00:37

So we all know it's difficult to find love in this crazy world that we live in. So when two people actually find true love, hundreds of miles away from home.. in Ireland.. a toast is definitely called for. If any of you do not know me, My name is Rae and I'm Lilia's best friend and matron of honor. I've been struggling with the term “matron” for a few weeks…but after a while I've come to terms with it and realized there are some perks to being a matron versus being a maid.. If any of you don't know the difference between matron and maid, it just means I'm married- its not as horrible as it sounds. But since I am married I feel that I can give some marital advice and some experience that Ive acquired during my 1 year 3 months and 11 days of marriage, but who's counting right? I Love you Colin! 

Anyways so Lilia and I have known each other for 20 years. And if any of you have been with the both of us for more than 10 minutes, then you'd know that we first met in 2nd grade wearing the same 101 dalmations backpack… and it was fate. Lilia has been there for me for everything and I love her to death and I'm so honored to be a part of her special day with Nathan. So with that said, I came up with some hopes and wishes for the Mr. and Mrs. Drain.

This was actually an excerpt stole from a poet named James Dillet Freeman from “Blessings of a Marriage”

Let your love be stronger than your rage or anger. Let you learn to compromise Because it is better to bend a little than to break. May you need one another, but not out of weakness. May you want one another, but not out of lack. May you embrace one another, but not smother one another. May you both succeed in your personal goals and celebrate with one another, and not fail in the little graces. often say, “I love you!” and take no notice of small faults. May all your ups and downs only be in the bedroom! But if you do have quarrels that push you apart, may both of you hope to have good sense enough to take the first step back. May you discover your awareness of one another's presence — physical and spiritual, warm and near when you are side by side, and warm and near when you are in separate rooms or even distant cities. May you both have happiness, and may you find that happiness by making one another happy. May you both have love, and may you find that Love by loving one another.

So please everybody, raise your glasses. I'd like to propose a toast to Mr. And Mrs. Drain. Cheers to new life, new love and everything in between.

Cheers! and Congratulations