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“You have made me who I am today” – Maid of Honour Speech by Evie

"When I was younger, I could always crawl in her bed when I was scared of the movie that I said I could handle. Okay, maybe I still do that now and then."

Speech Type: Maid of Honour
Time to Read Aloud: 2 minutes
Our Favourite Line: “I’m really, really happy for you that you found someone who is just as weird and crazy as you are.”

Hello everyone. For those of you who don’t know me, which is very unlikely because I know more than half of the people here, my name is Evie and I’m Audrey’s little sister.

A few years ago we said that when each of us gets married, the other would be the maid of honour. So here I am, a couple of years later after a cute, weird, creative proposal from that odd bird over there, Martin. Sorry for the inside joke, it has come so far.

A few years ago we said that when each of us gets married, the other would be the maid of honour.

Audrey and I have been through a lot together and I love that I was a part of her journey here. All those train rides to and from work, lunches, trips to McDonald’s for chicken nuggets when one of us wasn’t too happy, every night out, every time we wrestled – and I won, of course. When I was younger, I could always crawl in her bed when I was scared of the movie that I said I could handle. Okay, maybe I still do that now and then. But, she never complains, even though I might take up more than half the bed.

Audrey, you are amazing. You have made me who I am today, and it would have been a boring journey without you. I love you with all that I am.  And I’m really, really happy for you that you found someone who is just as weird and crazy as you are.

You have made me who I am today, and it would have been a boring journey without you. I love you with all that I am.