Review your wedding venue and suppliers to win £3,000

3rd Edition

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Who did you hire for your wedding?

Vendor name

Rate their service based on the following:

Fedwen Tentage Marquee Hire

Metros Mills, Drefach-Felindre
Carmarthen (Carmarthenshire)
Your vendor's ability to pay attention to details and follow through on their contract goes a long way in making your day one to remember. Please rate your vendor based on product or service quality. Quality of the service
Do you feel like they attended to you quickly and at all times? Rate the responsiveness you experienced with the vendor before, during and after the wedding. Responsiveness
A professional makes things flow, without a hitch or doubt. Rate the competence and efficiency with which the vendor provided their service. Professionalism
Weddings are a once-in-a-lifetime occasion so it is natural to spend extra on products and services you feel are important. Please rate your vendor based on the experience you received for the amount spent. Were they worth the money? Did you get what you paid for? Value for money
Planning a wedding is an adventure! A wedding business that is flexible and able to adapt to last minute situations makes it go much smoother. Rate this vendor with this in mind. Flexibility

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Write about your experience. Include any details that will help other couples make their decision. (minimum 75 characters please)


How much did you spend with this supplier?

£ *Optional

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